My Spartan Race Story, April 2018
Here comes the first obstacles. Whew…got that done. Oh…. now the weeds….(Why did they not clear the path before we started. I’m thankful I have on long pants though. Oh, but this is the Spartan race.) We continued along the path. More obstacles, more challenges. I’m doing good except I feel a little funny in my head, but I should be RIGHT- I am on an obstacle course. Now here we go again…what now? In front of me I see what appears to be 75 yards of barbed wire that is so low to the ground that people are crawling on their belly and others are rolling forward. Okay…let’s do this. I’ll try rolling, it seems pretty easy! I started rolling with my eyes closed. I have my contacts in so I do not want the straw, dirt, from the person in front of me to get in my eyes. I feel the rocks and dirt in my hair and on my back. I can feel the straw or poking me in my butt, but just keep rolling.
Suddenly I feel like I am spiraling in a deep tunnel, disoriented and nauseated. I open my eyes… there are a hundred people behind me at least, but I just want to stop the spinning in my head. I went to the race with other friends, and I could hear Amanda saying.. “Are you okay.” I said, “I’m spinning…I’m about to puke.”. She gives me an energy chew… I try rolling again. NOPE, I need to try something else. I’m getting restless in my spirit. I ask the volunteer if I can just get out and do burpees instead. Anything to get out of the barb- wire. She says, “I don’t think you can on this one.” So…I’m lying here… feeling like I just might die…. but I do not want to stop. By this time…at least 20 -30 minutes had passed, and I could not shake this feeling. And there wee a gazillion people behind me. Amanda calls out my name. She encourages me to roll twice, then stop and rest. I rolled twice, then I stopped. I tried to sit up and felt faint. Nope.. I have to lay back down. I can do this…I can do this. Rolling, rolling, rolling stop. Rolling, rolling, rolling stop. Amanda says to me, “Look, you do not have much farther to go.” I look, and it looks horrible. I see at least 35 more yards. But I guess that is better than 36 yards of barbed- wire. Rolling, rolling, rolling, stop. Rolling, rolling, rolling, I’m about to puke. B.K.(another team member) gets back in the barb-wire to crawl on one side of me, and Chappy (my personal trainer) gives me some water. Oh, yes, Water…. I take a sip…and instantly feel better. Rolling, rolling, rolling, stop. Rolling, rolling, rolling, rolling, rolling, stop. Oh No, why did I roll 5 times before I stop. Because I want to get the H*%$% out of here. Amanda calls out my name again … reorients me… She encourages me to try crawling. Yes, I will crawl. Never mind I am using my legs, and elbows to crawl out life a frog… It felt better than rolling…as long as I do not have to change positions…I think I just may finish the race. I feel the stings in my skin as the elements of the earth scrap my arms. My butt down low, and my thighs are doing the work. But at least I am not nauseated. I least I do not feel drowsy. Crawl, Sherina, crawl. Crawl, Sherina crawl. Now I just need to keep moving, but not my head. Pull with your arms, Sherina. Keep going, Sherina. Keep going. Yes. Keep going…. I need to hurry and get out of here so I can finish the race. I feel my eyes stinging with tears, Thank God for the support around me. This must be what it is like to be in the military when a man/woman is down. You don’t leave anyone behind. No matter what.
Before I knew it I had crawled out, with Amanda leading the way. I was so thankful, but now I am standing again, and now I am drowzy and about to puke again. Somehow, I completed on more obstacle, and with the symptoms only getting worse. I knew I had to do the right thing. I knew my race was over, and I knew they would not leave me. So I told them to go ahead without me. I knew they had a race to finished…and better yet, I knew I had finished mine.
Some of you may be sympathetic because I did not finish, but do not be. I got so much feedback from the race:
- You can go further than you think you can…with the right people in your corner. You see there is not way I would have completed the barb- wire with out Chappy, Amanda, and B.K. staying in the “belly of the whale with me.” Your inner circle is everything.
- Stay focused on where you are going, not where you are. I was beginning the feel the discomfort from the rocks, hay, etc… coming in contact with my body. But focusing on that was not going to help me get out of there.
- Don’t make everything about you. I was sucking the team dry. My decision to quit took the attention off of me, and onto the team.
- In life, you have to run YOUR race. New International Version
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out FOR US. Freeing myself to run my race, freed the team to run their race.
My trainer was concerned about me physically (my blood pressure dropped very low), but also emotionally. He also wanted me to have a great experience. Ironically, I did have a great experience. I had decided before the race that I was going to be a great experience no matter what. It was a great experience the moment I decided to do something outside of my box. lol. This race literally tested me in ways I had never experienced which says a lot from a women who had three (3) children naturally. In the past I would have felt robbed because my “life” experience was not like everyone else’s. But nope… not TODAY. Today, I’m good!! I had a 12 lead ekg, chem 8, to prove it! (Yes… the nurse ended up getting medical treatment. lol better safe than sorry.)
Yep… Today… “There is no failure, only feedback”, and I am good.
I would love to hear from you. feel free to leave me a note.
Proud of you! I think your decision to have a great race no matter what made the day a success, despite the medical attention. 😊
Thanks so much Erin! Deciding beforehand definitely saved me!
Thanks for the word of encouragement. That was for me, if I get the right people’s in my corner they will be there for me and will never me to fight the battle alone, and even when the storm gets tough hang in there and don’t give up even if your the last one to finish, the first to finish is the one who rushes through the obstacle, but the last one to finish is the one who stay faithfully even when things got to dark and they couldn’t see their way out, but they stayed in the race. Sherina thanks a lot.
Yes! So true, Shena! “but the last one to finish is the one who stays faithfully even when things get too dark, and they cannot see their way out, but stayed in the race.”…. oh, this just blessed me!! Thank you, Girl!
So proud of you! As with most sports and events in life, we learn far greater lessons in our struggle than in our success. In parallel, what seems to be a physical test, really displays your mental fortitude and thought life. Your mental achievement displayed in the 4 points of feedback are metaphoric ribbons and metals that this blog has showcased for your readers (and should be admired by everyone).
Oh My! Thank you so much for your reply. Your thoughts of “metaphoric ribbons and metals for my readers”… touched my heart so much! I really appreciate your comments, not just because I like hearing positive things, but your comments truly reflect that in life- failure only means what we make it mean. Thanks again!
Wow, how inspirational! In my 57 years of life, I’ve learned that most of my treasured experiences have come from places of pain, distress, etc. Comfort zones are boring. New experiences bring about new feelings and that’s exciting. I thank you for sharing your experience. It’s caused me to reflect on my experiences and the lessons each have taught me. I’m in pursuit of something new, something uncomfortable, something to stretch me…ready to run MY RACE!
Thank you, Julia!! I’m ready to run mine too! 2020 is bringing the best out of me!! #sweatequity