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All my life, I have heard it.

“Write the book you want to read.”

Well, this is how this business was created. You see, I have been teaching, healing, nursing, leading, learning, pursuing, creating, mothering, and wife-ing my whole life. As a matter of fact, I have been a mother for 30 years!! Wow…. I cannot believe it. Anyway, in all of the “-ing,” I had somehow created my identity. I had everything, and I thought I was happy.

But it turns out I was not so happy.  Before I knew it, I had created a space that was lonely, uncomfortable, and full of insecurity and fear. I was no longer sure of who I was. As a registered nurse, I wondered if I had a medical problem. As a professional photographer, I started to look at the images I created for answers deep within my heart. I knew a “pill” was not going to cure this dark space I felt trapped in, so I started a journey of self discovery and personal development. I soon realized that there was a different contribution that I wanted to make to the world. I wanted to pursue my passion, my purpose, and the promises that God had for me.  Soon I started making decisions that honored myself and started doing what felt good for me.

So, my dear friends, is there something different you desire for you life? A new career? Better health and relationships?  Whatever it is, honor yourself by writing it down.  That’s right.  Go purchase a lovely journal and honor yourself by acknowledging the who of who you really are. The mind is a powerful thing. Just own it for now. If you feel so inclined, leave me a note.  I would love to hear from you!

Till next time,
