Do you remember those times when you watched your Mom get all fancy, dance around the house, and just become herself? How did you feel? Do you remember? Those times were very rare for me. My Mom was always working, even to this day she rarely indulges in pleasure for herself. But I do remember one occasion in particular. My Mom was celebrating her birthday and decided to have a birthday party. My Mom’s hair color was a honey gold color. (She always has to have that color in her hair.) She was in such a celebratory mood that she had a family friend make her a pants suit. The fabric was honey gold in color as well, very silky and smooth like, and it fit her body like a glove. Let me tell you! When My Momma was finally dressed, She looked amazing. She was feeling it, and it was truly transformational. I did not really understand it at the moment, but I felt the power of the transformation. She was in her sweet spot, and she was owning her power. She was free. The Foxy Cat was free. She was free like FIRE!
That was years ago. Many many years ago. Today, I have my own daughter. One day recently, I was getting all fancy to attend an event. I mean really fancy! If you know me, you know I do not get super fancy, but this day I did. When I finished getting dressed, something in me was ignited. Before I knew it, I was twirling and moving around in the mirror. On a scale from 1-10, I felt like a “1000”. I was rolling my shoulders back and forth, tilting my head side to side, grinning from ear to ear. As I spun around in the mirror, I observed my daughter crouched in the corner smiling at me, and seconds later a glimpse of my mother reflected in the Mirror back at me. In that moment, I was experiencing what I call the loop of understanding.
In the loop of understanding, I realized several things.
1- I realized that my Mother’s outfit did not make her or define her. It was just a match for her true personality. It was a true match for who she was as a woman. Not the Mom, not care provider, or businesswoman, but who SHE was as a person. That is the power that I felt. This came full circle when I was getting dressed. I had the real me hid in me as well. Whenever I allowed her to come out, I felt my own power.
2- If I slow down in live the moments, I will experience true understanding and revelation in other areas of my life as well.
3- Every time I choose to live in my sweet spot, I teach my children to live in theirs.
Seeing My Mom transform into something bigger than life right before me, helped me to see that true power is always ignited from within. My Mom still lives like she is Cathy every day, but in her sweet spot, she is “Cat”. I think I will dig out that picture of my Mom and put it on my refrigerator- just so I can encourage both of us to be in our sweet spot more often.
ps… Don’t ever laugh at how your Momma dances because “Your Momma’s dance moves, will someday become your dance moves if you are lucky.” 🙂
This made me grin!
I am glad this reminded you of a pleasant memory 🙂 Yay!!!
I can picture this! 🤣
Girl, I know right!! I know you know what I am talking about!! 🙂